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5 Healthy New Year Goals for 2021

5 Healthy New Year Goals for 2021

How have you celebrated the start of the new year? We’re sure many people are happy to see 2020 behind them and are ready to focus on 2021! Did you attend a big party last night? Or perhaps due to Covid regulations you spent it at home, celebrating with family? Maybe you were on your own, reflecting on the past year and revelling in a good night’s sleep. However you celebrated, you are probably thinking of healthy new year goals to set 2021 off to the right start!

It is a time-honored tradition that even the most skeptical seem to unconsciously follow. Setting a new year’s resolution feels instinctual. Are you thinking, ‘It’s the start of a new calendar year, so what healthy and positive changes can I make to my life?’

There is always room for healthy improvement in our lives. Whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. 2020 was a particularly gruelling year for most of us, so positive thoughts and cultivating positive energy will be high on many people’s lists of personal development goals.

As always, at UrthLeaf, we’re passionate about creating stress-free lives that help us to be fit, wholesome and rejuvenated. This belief stems from our love of CBD and the magic it can bring to people’s lives. In fact, let’s start right there. Here are 5 healthy new year goals to see you through 2021, and CBD is a great place to start!

5 Healthy New Year Goals

1. Incorporate More CBD into your Daily Life

Next week, we will release an in-depth article into how you can incorporate more CBD into your daily life. For now, let’s view it as a healthy new year goal for 2021.

CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of many cannabinoids believed to work harmoniously with the body to bring healing, relaxation and relief from many difficult physical and mental symptoms.

CBD works by reacting with our natural bodily functions which are maintained by our endocannabinoid systems. It’s funny to think that our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids, which is probably why we react well to consumption or application of CBD oil.

Benefits of using CBD daily appear to be less anxiety, better sleep, and a more efficient and relaxed response to stress. Specific medicals concerns such as acne, arthritis, epilepsy and even cancer also have the potential to be relieved by CBD.

You can try CBD in a variety of ways. Tinctures, capsules, gummies, softgels, chill pills, salves, lotions, bath bombs, vape pens… you are guaranteed to find a method that will suit you!

2. Cook One New Thing Each Week

Nobody said healthy new year goals have to be boring! In fact, after the rollercoaster year we’ve all been through, let’s strive to bring excitement into every week. What better way to do that than with food!

Sadly, many restaurants or food-service places may be closed at the moment. This is awful and missed by all. However, use the opportunity of staying at home each night to expand your cooking repertoire. You never know, you may find you are a budding chef with a taste for exciting flavors!

As well as trying to eat healthier throughout 2021, try cooking more diverse foods from cultures you have never tried before. Choose an easy dinner recipe each week. In no time it will be something you’re really looking forward to.

There are endless, countless, billions of recipes online, plus you can always pick up cheap second-hand cookbooks. Start off easy and by the end of the year you’ll be rustling up an enormous Christmas dinner for all your friends and family!

3. Drink Less Alcohol

Sadly, national sales of alcohol in 2020 increased, with many of us going online to purchase alcoholic drinks as bars and restaurants closed. With many of us staying home each night, at-home drinking levels climbed.

We all know that we don’t need to drink to have fun. And that drinking copious amounts of alcohol has a negative effect on our lives and the lives of those around us. So, this year, as a productive and healthy new year goal, try to drink less alcohol each week.

You could even try to be sober for a year! If that seems like a big step, then Dry January is a movement that many people follow. Or even just becoming aware of the number of units of alcohol you consume each week and cutting that down is a really healthy step.

Drinking less alcohol will improve your mood, sleep, skin and immune system. And it will also save you money!

4. Include More Veggies in your Diet

Vegetables are your friends. You can never have too many of them or wonder if you need to cut down on your green intake.

Whether you’re actively trying to lose weight or just want to be healthier, there’s no better way than including more vegetables on your plate.

It is so easy to eat more vegetables. Keep plenty in your freezer and add them to whatever meal you have concocted. Again, head online for meat-free meals to get some inspiration or set a healthy new year goal to eat one extra portion of vegetables every day. Sounds delicious!

5. Become a Plant Owner

We bet you didn’t see that one coming! As CBD specialists, we believe in the healing power of plants. Although some garden centres may be closed, you can still support them by ordering your garden glories online.

Research shows that simply the presence of indoor plants can lower stress levels. One study found that caring for plants calmed the automatic nervous system and lowered blood pressure. And when people work near plants, they report greater satisfaction, concentration and perceived air quality.

Plants aren’t just for indoors. If you have any outdoor space, use the beginning of the year to put together a garden plan. Order seeds and pots ready for sowing as soon as spring arrives!

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